Past Event
Celebrating 8 years and the Power of Love!
A MILLION STEPS for LOVE – Audio-visual Exhibition.
A collaborative initiative with Sandra Korse, producer of the film.
Artist and Facilitator
Cosmic Heart Gallery presents a unique audio-visual exhibition that celebrates the power of love, togetherness, empowerment, freedom and sisterhood.
Sandra Korse’s documentary ‘A Million Steps for Love’ captures the journey taken by Esmeralda & 13 other women to Jerusalem. The exhibition translates it and highlights the Power of Love and its transformative nature through images and videos.
Music by the renowned Alexia Chellun
Read about the Virtual Exhibition here
View Virtual Exhibition here
Celebrating 8 years of Cosmic Heart Gallery –
Sun, Dec 20, 2020
Disclaimer: You are about to experience a unique audio-visual exhibition that will take you on a journey of love, togetherness and sisterhood. This exhibition has been curated to engage your senses. To experience it fully, we request you to make sure your headsets are plugged in and that you click on the first image towards the left to begin. If you are watching it on your mobile phones, please use the landscape mode. Thank you and we hope you unlock the path of love within.
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa H Vithalani was acknowledged for her successful leadership role as Director of JTB Jupiter Express Services Pvt. Ltd. which is part of The Global Group of Companies and a PAN-India market leader in international courier consolidation and air freight forwarding. It was launched as a joint venture with Jupiter Global Ltd. — a Hong Kong-based Japan Airlines subsidiary affiliated with Mitsubishi Logistics Corporation.
As an entrepreneur Jalpa H Vithalani holds many different positions. She is the Creative Head and Director of Cosmic Heart Gallery. She is the President of Business & Professional Women, South Mumbai and the Vice President of Western India Floriculture Association.
Jalpa H Vithalani is the State Director of Humans for Humanity NGO for Maharashtra & was acknowledged for her active role as a Social Worker making a difference in society at large and women & children in particular.
There is a special focus on a project called WASH women sanitation and hygiene and the NGO has reached 1.5 million women all over India.
Artist and Facilitator
Cosmic Heart Gallery & Consulate General of Argentina present a collection by Argentine German photographer Gerardo Korn.
Gerardo has captured this collection with his lens making the car and facade appear as if they were on a stage, ready to present themselves to an imaginary audience.
Aug, 2020 onwards
Artist and Facilitator
Sandra Korse is a conscious documentary filmmaker. People describe her as a sparkling personality who listens with her heart and who is a passionate interviewer when it comes to deep soulful topics.
A filmmaker who wants to be part of the experience that is being captured. To truly be able to take the viewer with her on the journey, on a vibration that is palpable.
Sandra & Jalpa went on to collaborate on translating her film – A MILLION STEPS for LOVE into a unique audio visual exhibition on the gallery’s 8th Anniversary. Sandra is also part of Jalpa’s film ‘My Journey with Reconnective Healing’ which was shown on Reconnective Healing Global Awareness Day worldwide in 50 countries.
View here:
Sat, Nov 28, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
https://www.bpw-international.orgView on Youtube:
Wed, Nov 4, 2020
Humans for Humanity organised a Virtual Online Cloth Pad Making workshop for corporate women at Standard Charter Bank – GBS in Chennai to encourage and spread awareness in the region. The pads made by the employees would be distributed to the slum women of Chennai and surrounding areas.
Artist and Facilitator
Humans For Humanity is an NGO headquartered in Delhi founded by Anurag Chauhan. Workshop was facilitated by Anurag Chauhan along with Jalpa Hargovind Vithalani State Director, NGO for Maharashtra & Sonali Pandit Director, Research & Analysis, Humans For Humanity.
Wed, Oct 14, 2020
The New Charter of the Girl’s Rights. Educate to gender equality and to fight violence. BPW Europe Project in synergy with BPW International.
Jalpa Vithalani, President BPW Club South Mumbai was a speaker at International Day of the Girl Child on behalf of India.
Artist and Facilitator
Keynote Address by
• H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President Emeritus Republic of Malta
Esteemed panel of speakers included –
• Dr. Amany Asfour, BPW International President
• Pinella Bombaci, BPW Europe Coordinator and Chair of the Charter
of the Girls Rights International Task Force and European working group.
• Marie Claude Machon, BPW Permanent Representative at UNESCO
• Neelima Basnet, International Representative Young BPW
• Karen Buttigieg, President Malta Girl Guides
Presentations on countries by-
• Adele De Leo – Genoese Inter-Association Committee “Charter of the Girl’s Rights”
• Doriette Gauci Vice President BPW (Valletta) Malta
• Mary Papadopoulou President BPW Cyprus
• Monica Pugnaloni Member BPW Ticino Switzerland
• Jalpa Vithalani President BPW Club South Mumbai, India
Sun, Oct 11, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
From 2014 to 2020 Esmeralda walked from Finisterre to Jerusalem. During that period she covered a distance of 5.000 kilometers spread over seven stages. All dedicated to the theme of love. During the last 75 kilometers of her journey, straight through the Westbank of Palestine, she was accompanied by thirteen Dutch women. Of this last week a documentary is made.
Sandra Korse is a conscious documentary filmmaker. Cosmic Heart Gallery is proud to collaborate with her on this project where we are translating her journey, the journey of the women and the film into a virtual online exhibition.
Book your free ticket at
Mon, Sep 27, 2020 @ At 630 pm IST.
Artist and Facilitator
Chriselda Barretto, Author @
Chriselda, a multi-genre, prolific author and speaker, with a background in Business Administration and Chemistry/Microbiology lives in Belgium. She also hosts the Podcast – The 3 Pillars and is the creator of ART-IS-IN, The Dig and her blog “”
Read more about Chriselda Baretto
Read the interview feature here:
Mon, Sep 21, 2020
News Coverage: Chriselda Barretto (Blog)
This book is must read for women who are looking at ways to make positive change in life.
It speaks of work-life balance, healthy lifestyle, mental & emotional health and hygiene which is equally important. One of the most striking feature of this book is that, it is a practical compilation of situations and problems which are common and how to handle these situations.
The authors key message is that in life, no matter at what stage you are, you can always make a difference. All you need is a step forward and you will find support from all fronts.
Artist and Facilitator
Invited to share stories of women empowerment across continents was an august panel of speakers.
The esteemed panel included Daphna Ziman, Owner Cinemai Network USA, Abha Singh – Renowned Supreme Court Lawyer, Narjiss Abu Hassan, Royal Family Office, UAE, H. E. Zulfiquar Ghadiyali – Partner DIHC Abu Dhabi,
Dr. Mukesh Batra – Batra Clinics, Jalpa H VIthalani, Founder, Cosmic Heart Gallery, Juhi Yasmeen Khan – CSR & Charity Initative Expert UAE, Sarita Singh – CEO Priyadarshini Schools, Justina Etzinger, COO RetailME, Daljeet Kaur – President IAWA, Aparna Bajpai – Founder Being She UAE, Chief Anita Okuribido – Nigerian Woman network, Tasneem Merchant – Designer Sustainable Fashion, Gemini Dhar – Author, International Speaker, Rabia Patel – Author & Social Influencer, Love Charmaine Uychoco – Founder Prodigy Bureau UAE, Quinee Nair – President, Managing Partner Nine North Consulting, Kanchan Mishra Chaudhary – Lawyer, Anchor Radio 107.1 and Women’s Right Activist, & Archana Kochar – Leading Fashion Designer
About The Author: Mubarakka Lokhandwala Ghadiyali is a dynamic, young entrepreneur with a successful proven her Track Record in several Industries such as Travel, Real Estate and the Medical Tourism Sectors. She has been Awarded the LCGI Award from city and Guilds UK and is the First in Asia and Youngest in the World to have been conferred this Award. Read More…
Artist and Facilitator
Chriselda Barretto, Author @
Chriselda, a multi-genre, prolific author and speaker, with a background in Business Administration and Chemistry/Microbiology lives in Belgium. She also hosts the Podcast – The 3 Pillars and is the creator of ART-IS-IN, The Dig and her blog “”
Read more about Chriselda Baretto
Read the interview feature here:
Fri, Jul 27, 2020
News Coverage: Chriselda Barretto (Blog)
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa Vithalani was on Niche Radio for the entire month of July 2020 speaking about Color Therapy along with Ranjan Sundaram (on Spirituality), Pooja Bedi (Happy Soul ) & Pooja Nagrani (Sports Nutritionist)
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa H Vithalani, Creative Director, Cosmic Heart Gallery was on the panel with Sandip Soparkar, Internationally renown dance choreographer, Swapnokalpa Dasgupta, curator NCPA & renown Odissi dancer , Sangeeta Bhambani talented artist, Rajan Anekar, veteran from the Ad Film Industry.
Thu, Jul 23, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
A Father’s Day special with STAT TIMES. Jalpa H VIthalanI who heads a logistics company besides her role in art and culture was one of the six personalities asked to write a feature for this special edition on Fathers Day.
“He has been beyond just a biological father, but like a guide who has been on the journey with me…so tuned in.” Jalpa H Vithalani of Global Aviation Services spoke about her father on today’s occasion of Father’s Day.
Read the article here:
Thu, Jul 23, 2020
Jalpa H Vithalani – Director of Cosmic Heart Gallery, Founder of Global Agritech and a Reconnective Healing Practitioner was a guest on Tenzin Show.
She is someone who doesn’t conform to norms and is a multi-tasker. A change maker, a humanitarian at heart; she has transformed the lives of many(especially women)with her noble initiatives.
Jalpa will be sharing with us her incredible journey from which you can seek inspiration.
Artist and Facilitator
Tenzin Chodon is an entrepreneur, executive and performance coach, a cross-cultural communication trainer, author and social worker. She has been in the communications industry for almost a decade and has worked multiple careers within the same field, gaining a wealth of experience and expertise.
What’s special is that Tenzin has been a translation-compere for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) and Master of Ceremonies for several events. In addition, she is a social worker and activist for the children of the deprived communities who have no access to education and opportunities. She firmly believes that one’s ability to communicate must be flexible and not be restricted to norms based on age, gender, profession or social background.
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Sat, Jul 18, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
Sat, Jul 11, 2020
News Coverage:Times Of India – Jul 14, 2020 | Janmabhoomi – Aug 14, 2021
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa H Vithalani, Creative Head & Director of Cosmic Heart Gallery & INDUS Philosophy & Religion group.
Introduction to talk by INDUS: When you meet this gorgeous, effortless young woman, it will be hard to imagine the many hats she dons. Jalpa Vithalani is a practitioner of Reconnective Healing in India, the Creative Head and Director of Cosmic Heart Gallery, the Founder and Director of Global Agritech, and Vice President of Western India Floriculture Association.
Reconnective Healing is about coming into wholeness and balance. This is one of the most dynamic areas of energy healthcare backed by science. Patient experience a mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial level and much more. It is like getting a “human upgrade”.
She started her journey in the world of finance but followed her inner voice which led to a complete shift of her life into spirituality, healing and soul searching. She is a living example of how we can transform our lives and enrich ourselves with unimaginable blessings of spiritual growth.
Sat, Jun 16, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
Nirupama Sharma in conversation with Jalpa H Vithalani
When life challenges us enough and we reach a deadlock, we look for alternative healing. The challenges could be emotional, physical or financial. Reconnective Healing, an alternative healing practice is one of the very few modalities backed by science and is greatly helpful in opening up our lives and of those around us. It unleashes the potential within us to shift our lives in a progressive direction. Watch this live session to know more about Reconnective Healing.
View on Instagram:
Thu, Jun 07, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
In the last two months, no Indian museums and galleries have had any visitors.
Their long corridors, whose white walls are adorned with carefully curated art at normal times, have been sitting forlornly in the dark. Galleries have not heard chatter in their exhibition halls, or the sound of click-clacking heels on their marble floors. No performer– theatre artist, musician, singer or dancer — has stood below the floodlight of the stage, and the empty seats in these auditoria have been gathering dust.
Excerpts from Jalpa H Vithalani, Asneem Mehta, Honorary Director & Managing Trustee of the Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Khushroo N Suntook, NCPA Chairman and Founder of Symphony Orchestra of India (SOI), Sharda Gautam, Head of crafts, Tata Trust, Swarup Mehta, Kolkata based artist, Riyad Komu, Multi-media artist & curator among others.
Read the Article:
Thu, Jun 05, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
In conversation with Jalpa H Vithalani about Cosmic Heart Gallery, Art Therapy, Tibetan Medicine among others. Insta Live Chat on Instagram @fionapoojara & @jvcosmicheart
View on Youtube:
Wed, May 13, 2020
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa Vithalani was been invited to write for this renown blog and this is her first article about the cultural visit to Hazrat Nizzamuddin Shrine pre covid days when she had visited the shrine with Meeta Gutgutia.
I was in Delhi in January 2020 and enjoyed a beautiful visit to the shrine of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya with my lovely friend Meeta Gutgutia. This is a jewel in the capital and it was the first time for dear Meeta who lives in Delhi since 30 years. It gives me a sense of peace to be at this shrine and I feel a strong connection to the Master laid to rest here… When Meeta & Sukirti Gupta invited me to start writing for Sipping Thoughts, I felt this should be my first sharing. Read the article…
Sat, May 02, 2020
UpperCrust is India’s premier magazine. This is specialized in India’s food, wine and style magazine.
India’s very first magazine in its genre, UpperCrust created mighty ripples when it was launched in January 2000, right at the turn of an exciting new millennium. It was way ahead of its time, but Farzana Contractor who conceptualised the unique content and style of the magazine had a dream of putting the diverse Indian regional food on the world culinary map.
Artist and Facilitator
Jalpa H Vithalani was profiled in Celebrity Bites at her favourite restaurant Foo, Churchgate Mumbai.
Read the article & interesting narrative on food, her personality & life:
March 2020 Issue
News Coverage: UpperCrust Magazine – March Issue
Artist and Facilitator
A Zen collection of lyricially abstracted Buddhas & stunning depictions of nature by artist Sarfaraz Laskari
Under the umbrella of KENSHO, we take you on a Zen journey. The exhibition showcases a ‘Shikantaza’ series which literally means to sit and depicts a practice of Zen Buddhism that involves understanding emptiness.
The beautiful Lotus series, Pipala series, the Fig tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment, Rushen series ~ denoting & depicting clarity, a Nature series also form part of this unique exhibition.
Fri, Dec 17 – Sat, Feb 22, 2020
News Coverage: The Asian Age – Jan 04, 2020